miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015

Draghi al Parlamento europeo, Grecia e quantitative easing

Il Presidente della Bce, Mario Draghi, assieme al Vicepresidente della Commissione europea Valdis Dombrovskis saranno presenti questo pomeriggio nell'Aula del Parlamento di Bruxelles per discutere con gli europarlamentari sull'attività della Banca Centrale. Al centro del confronto anche le questioni legate al completamento dell'Unione bancaria, le recenti misure di politica monetaria (l'acquisto di titoli garantiti da attività e il quantitative easing), il ruolo della Bce nella "troika", la Commissione Ue/Fmi/Bce, e gli sviluppi sul dossier Grecia. La relazione annuale della Bce verrà valutata in una risoluzione, elaborata da Pablo Zalba Bidegain (popolare spagnolo) per la commissione affari economici e monetari, che sarà votata dal Parlamento nel suo insieme nella sessione Plenaria di marzo.


jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015

Pablo Zalba: "Internet Payment secure systems are crucial to the single digital market development"

Pablo Zalba in the Conference organized by European voice in Brussels named
"Payments: cornerstone of the digital economy" argued that to develop the digital market it is essential to have a secure payments system. The digital single market regulation is the key for growth and job creation. Pablo Zalba considered that a digital single market has positive effects on consumer and entrepreneurs as it removes barriers.

miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2015

MEP Zalba and MEP Mosca co-host roundtable discussion on investment protection in TTIP

On Tuesday 3 February, during the week of the 8th round of TTIP negotiations, a roundtable discussion, held in the European Parliament, brought together speakers from the European Commission, Corporate Europe Observatory, SciencePo Paris and Repsol for an in-depth discussion on investment protection in TTIP. 

The constructive discussion with the diverse audience from the European Parliament and stakeholders made clear why this is one of the most debated topics of TTIP at the moment. Both MEPs Zalba (ESP, EPP) and Mosca (IT, S&D) stressed the importance of a TTIP agreement and the need for an investment chapter that sets the global standard. By hosting this roundtable discussion, both groups contributed to this important debate and demonstrated that they take into account and want to address the concerns of EU stakeholders.